Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sweet Dreams

My favorite part of the day is laying down in bed and falling asleep...because my dreams are the only place where all my wishes come true. Not a week goes by without dreaming of my baby. While I hate to wake up to the reality that it was only a dream, I love to be in those dreams because they feel so real. Sometimes I dream that I'm pregnant, sometimes I dream that I already have my baby. Last night I already had my baby...a little girl all curled up in my arms. I'm happy that it was a girl this time, because it's almost always a boy :) It was the most perfect dream...just me and my baby girl. I love those dreams. Even though I wake up with my arms (literally) aching from the loss of my baby, I also wake up with renewed energy and hope. My dreams keep me going, reminding me what it is that we are struggling for. So today I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for dreams.


  1. oh goodness, this touched my heart! Seriously! I can't imagine the journey you are going through, but I'm praying for your baby!!!

  2. Oh my gosh how sweet - I love that you dream about a cute little baby girl! I hope our ideas that we are working on will help make your dreams come true! :) We love you guys!

  3. Oh heart aches for you, that was very touching, thank you for sharing your dreams...I'm sending my prayers your way everyday...I love you both, and when the Lord sees fit..and you are holding your baby in your will know that the Lord truly does answers prayers!

  4. You know that we all love you. I wish there was a way I could make it happen for you. What you have written is so sweet, and I know those dreams are dreams of what will someday be.
    Love you!

  5. Sweet dreams for now sweetheart. ;) Love and prayers from dad.


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Maira Gall