Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Success! Kinda....LOL

WOW! Can I just say how amazed I am at all of the people who have been in contact with me this week through Facebook and our blog! I sent out three emails on Sunday night, and I have people contacting me like "Hey a friend of a friend showed me your blog!" giving us suggestions on networking and generally just giving us support as a lot of them are adopting too!

However, we are VERY excited about something that came up on Tuesday. Through our emails, we were contact by an acquaintance who knows someone considering adoption. We have not spoken with her, but we hope to. The only information/interaction has been through the acquaintance acting as the middle man. We are excited about the opportunity in front of us, and we feel very good about the birth mother so far. We can only hope that she is feeling the same way. There are no real details at the moment, but we will be sure to continue updating our blog.

After finding this out yesterday I was very anxious, I'm lucky I got any sleep! All day I had baby on the brains, just as bad as when we were trying to get pregnant! Who knew it would feel like this?! The most difficult part so far? Knowing that we are at the complete mercy of someone else's choice. We count our blessings everyday, and we are so lucky to even be able to adopt....but....we can't help but think about how most "normal" people take their pregnancy for granted. Those people are so lucky to be able to have children...there is no way for them to comprehend how it feels to have to prove yourself worthy to be able to have children. The past two years have been so emotionally draining, wanting nothing more than to be blessed with a child. We can only hope that we don't encounter more heartbreak now (although we knowingly accept that risk, as adoption is far from being a "for sure" path).

We are keeping this very special birth mother in our prayers morning, noon, and night--praying that Heavenly Father will bless her with discernment to be able to make this life changing decision. Keep us in your prayers too, you know we need it!


  1. I can TOTALLY relate to how you feel about being at the mercy of something/someone that is out of your control. Although I am so grateful for the one little "baby" I have, there isn't a day that goes by that I feel short-changed by the fact that I don't have more now. And wondering when that will ever happen for me. Rather than thinking about being at the mercy of someone else (for me, a worthy companion); I am learning to take great comfort in knowing that I rest completely in the hands of the Lord, and that He knows my righteous desires and has a master plan for me. I know that for me, and for you and Mark, that our desires will be fulfilled, and we will wonder why we ever anxiously worried! :)

  2. Hi, im one of Melindas fiends. Things will work out how they are suppose to. That little baby will find you. I strongly believe that after watching my sister-in law give up her little boy 2 years ago. It is an open adoption and we enjoy seeing him. Its amazing how things work out. Keep your faith and just know that Heavenly Father will bless you with that little one that was always planned to be in your family.

  3. That is great news. I love following your updates on facebook like I told you. I wish you guys great luck. You guys are in my prayers!!

  4. Hey have you thought about adopting from another country? There are lots of children in other countries that desperately need a good home. I know people who have adopted outside the US and they were placed with a baby sooner.


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Maira Gall