Thursday, June 7, 2012

Super Quick Update

Okay so this is going to be a super quick update post. So, just to back track a little bit and get everyone caught up without having to read through the last year's worth of posts...1.) we did IVF in May 2011 and it was unsuccessful, 2.) we did IVF in December of 2011 and it was unsuccessful, 3.) we became licensed Foster Parents in March 2012. Okay! So far, we haven't had any calls for Foster Care. But over the last couple of weeks we have started working with a private adoption agency here in Utah called A Act of Love (before you go screaming "it should be AN act of love, not A act of love!"...yes, I far as I know they did "A Act" because it will show up first on search engines and in phone books in alphabetical order).

Here is a link to their site:

We have been completing paper work to be approved as adoptive parents with this agency, and we should have everything finished up here in the next few days (according to the lady we are working with at the agency, we've set an all time record for getting our paper work done the fastest haha!!).

The agency has many birth parents right now who have not yet been matched up with adoptive parents, and who are due to give birth any day now and all the way up to December. We've been told multiple times now that we will likely be matched with birth parents VERY quickly. So that's why I'm posting this! If all of a sudden you see us post something about a baby, and you're wondering where it came from, it's probably because we got matched and placed with the baby faster than I could give updates!

So, here's to hoping it happens quick...*fingers and toes crossed*... :)



© // Jojo & Bee //
Maira Gall